Christy Wampole and the decade that perhaps never happened

Posted by Unknown Senin, 19 November 2012 0 komentar
Christy Wampole’s interesting article about ironic hipsterdom in the New York Times includes this paragraph, suggesting that in the last decade of the 20th century, sincerity ruled:Born in 1977, at the tail end of Generation X, I came of age in the 1990s, a decade that, bracketed neatly by two architectural crumblings — of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the Twin Towers in 2001 — now seems relatively...

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Maybe there’s a God above...

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 18 November 2012 0 komentar
Three years ago I wrote a book about Leonard Cohen and if you haven’t read it you really should, but first read this article I wrote about LC and religion for Aeon magazi...

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On brows

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 13 November 2012 0 komentar
In The American Thinker, William Deresiewicz seeks to add some 21st-century nuance to Dwight Macdonald’s famous identification of ‘Midcult’, mass culture that masquerades as art.Actually, I say “famous”, but while Macdonald’s pronouncement caused a stir in the States back in 1960, it was pretty much ignored in Britain, where slagging off the middle brow had become an established and respectable hobby...

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New York Times: The Body Painter

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 11 November 2012 0 komentar
Vain Glorious: The Body PainterBy Julie Earle-Levine, Oct 23 2012 Who: Derrick Little What: Body painter extraordinaire. Why Bother: If you are bold enough to have your body painted for Halloween, Little’s your man. Who wouldn’t want to be transformed into royalty? Jack Doroshow, the drag legend and star of the film “The Queen,” is Little’s “drag grandmother.” Little’s inspiration was “Marie-Antoinette...

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Savile, McAlpine, Petraeus and the truth about Leonard Cohen and me

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 10 November 2012 0 komentar
 I wasn’t going to say something about the latest bizarre developments in... well, what I don’t even know what to call it for a start. It’s not Savilegate, because things are moving so fast that Jimmy Savile, who a few weeks ago had become some sort of conceptual synthesis of Myra Hindley, the Yorkshire Ripper, the Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and Satan himself, has almost been...

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On Stuckism

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 08 November 2012 0 komentar
Charles Thomson (I’m assuming it’s really him, but since I’ve been following the US election on Twitter my ability to distinguish trolls and sock puppets and non-specific pranksters from the real deal has completely evaporated) has responded to a passing mention I made of him in a post about Damien Hirst’s new piece in Ilfracombe:I not only existed, but was exhibiting art, performing poetry and staging...

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Bodypainting: what’s it all about? (NSFW)

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 06 November 2012 0 komentar
Is bodypainting art? Or is it mere craft, with a bit of titillation thrown in, sometimes on the verge of soft porn? Danny Setiawan, I suppose, thinks it’s art. His stuff is available through Saatchi, although I’m not sure whether when you buy one of his works, you also buy the person on whom the art is painted. Where does the art stop and the canvas start? More to the point, when Setiawan paints a...

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Leonard Rossiter, The Sun, weirdness and wanking

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 04 November 2012 0 komentar
  Here we go again. Someone else has made an allegation of sexual misconduct against a deceased showbusiness personality at the BBC. As I said about the Savile stuff, such claims need to be taken seriously, although the Leonard Rossiter file would appear to be rather slimmer.But again, I’m more interested in the way the story’s being played, particularly by the BBC’s less placable foes. The Rossiter...

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Debenham's versus Abroad

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 03 November 2012 0 komentar
Debenham’s, the archetype of don’t-frighten-the-horses retail, has revealed that 70% of its customers have difficulty with the Italian-ish names bestowed upon warm beverages and that from now on, cappuccino will be “frothy coffee”, latte will be “really, really milky coffee” and so on.Of course, Debenham’s isn’t really responding to the linguistic befuddlement of their punters. Instead, they’re grabbing...

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