Travel: Town & Country, Sydney's Rockpool

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 27 Desember 2009 0 komentar
Town & Country, December/January 2010Neil Perry opens Australia's finest steak house Courtesy Earl Carter Photography By Julie Earle-Levine Twenty years ago, chef Neil Perry made a splash Down Under when he launched his first restaurant, Sydney's Rockpool, a haven of fresh and inventive seafood dishes. Two decades later, Perry has finally opened...

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Christmas Face Painting Tips and Animal Painting Techniques

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 20 Desember 2009 0 komentar
As Christmas is approaching faster than Santa can harness the reindeer to his sledge, many of you will be already creating and practising your very own fabulous Christmas face painting creation. There will be those among you that would love to follow suit, but have yet to apply their first brushstroke.FIRST STEPS: Take things easy at first with simple to do designs. Cheek art is a perfect starting...

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Travel: New York Times, Sydney's Potts Point

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Surfacing, New York Times A Sharper Point in Sydney Sydney's Potts Point district is drawing a younger crowd with its handsome buildings and new shops and cafes.By JULIE EARLE-LEVINEDecember 20, 2009 function getSharePasskey() { return 'ex=1418878800&en=6f08ecf0f924083e&ei=5124';} function getShareURL() { return encodeURIComponent('');...

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Using Liquid Latex As Body Paint

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 19 Desember 2009 0 komentar
The main advantages of using liquid latex over other kinds of body paint are duration and durability. Other body paints tend to rub off and smudge against fabric, often leaving dirty and possibly even stained clothing. Once liquid latex has dried on the skin it does not present these issues. Clothing will remain unblemished by the latex for as long as it is worn. Whilst perspiration and body heat...

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10 Ways to Make Money With Body Painting

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 08 Desember 2009 0 komentar
Are you considering making a living (or at least a little money on the side) doing body painting? Is it even possible to make a living doing body painting? Yes, you can make good money as a 'pro' body painter, and even kids as young as twelve have made good money (like $500-$400 in an afternoon) doing simple painting techniques like airbrushed temporary tattoos at fairs and festivals.It may be difficult...

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Body Art - How it is Sold Through Dropshipping Suppliers

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 06 Desember 2009 0 komentar
Body art is one that involves the human body. When sold to clients, the human body is not included but only serves as advert. It is important for a client to understand what the product is, and that they are not like other products which can be counted quantitatively. Body art is all in the mind of an artist.Sometimes called body painting, body arts have different forms. Painting and tattoos are the...

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Tattoos, Body art, Body Painting-Self Expression-Friend or Foe

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 04 Desember 2009 0 komentar
Now personally I don’t have a tattoo although I have been thinking of getting one. My wife has a small heart just above her right breast that you normally can’t see. I like it there and if you are wanting to get a tattoo, there are many things to consider.First you need to be tattoo smart. By that I mean you need to do a little research on them. There are many resources across the internet that can...

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Painting Nude Females - A Perspective With Natural Beauty

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 01 Desember 2009 0 komentar
Painting the human body, especially female nudes, has remained a favourite model for the artists since the primitive age. While choosing a model for the art, the artist of various fields do it for many purposes. The painters choosing human bodies as their models keep certain theories in their minds. Take the case of the radiating paintings of Venus. The nude paintings of Venus, the Goddess of love,...

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