Face Paint Recipes

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 29 November 2009 0 komentar
These easy face paint recipes show how to make homemade face paint using common household ingredients. Mix and store in baby food jars or discarded film canisters. Be ready for your next kids party or dress-up event.HOMEMADE FACE PAINT RECIPESFacepaint Recipe #11 tsp. Cornstarch½ tsp. Cold cream½ tsp. WaterFood coloring (variety of colors)Mix together cornstarch and cold cream until well blended....

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Nude Art

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 25 November 2009 0 komentar
Scandalous! Shocking! Without modesty! Nudity has been portrayed without shame throughout history and has been met with varying criticism depending on the time and culture.Early Nude ArtEver since early cave paintings the natural human form has been portrayed in its full unclothed glory. This was just how the artists saw his fellow people, and depending on the region, people wore very little anyway....

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Body Paint and Bibles

Posted by Unknown Senin, 23 November 2009 0 komentar
I love traveling, not the fact of going somewhere else, but the action of traveling from one place to another. My fascination is of being anonymous, and of course the time spent “people watching”. This is often done alone, which I think is more entertaining as you are not distracted from the serious business of observing.Two journeys this year, one to the UK and one day trip to Barcelona.The UK...

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Body Painting: Henna Tattoo

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 20 November 2009 0 komentar
Henna tattoos are an ancient custom in India: girls and women are body painted before ceremonies, like marriage. They painted complicated patterns on their hands and feet to symbolize their fertility.Henna (or 'Mehndi', the Indian name) is made from the henna plant (Lawsonia Inermis). The leaves of the plant are dried and ground. The powder gets mixed with water and you get a sort of green-brownish...

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Paul Gauguin - Painting Nude Females

Posted by Unknown Senin, 16 November 2009 0 komentar
Were we to make a list of the main post-Impressionist painters, the name of Paul Gauguin would be on top of the list. He is known for his innovative and bold experimental use of colours.But the prime thing that made Paul Gauguin such a renowned artist was his capability to understand the inherent meaning of the subjects he painted. He caught the very meaning of the subjects he painted; and then...

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Halloween Face Painting Ideas

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 11 November 2009 0 komentar
Halloween is such fun for kids of all ages, and adults too. Here are some face painting ideas to get you in the Halloween spirit.Halloween face painting idea 1: pumpkinA bright orange pumpkin painted on each cheek. Black paint used to paint eyes, nose and mouth. A light grey would be used to show the ridges of the pumpkin as well as its outline.An alternative would be to do a full face pumpkin with...

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Design Easy Face Painting

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 03 November 2009 0 komentar
At my daughter's first birthday party, I was fortunate enough to have a cousin who is an artist and she whipped out her face painting kit and paint the older kid's faces and whole upper torsos. My nephews were completely done as the Hulk and Aquaman, the girls had their faces painted up as princesses and small cute butterflies and balloons.Kids love face painting, they are fascinated by seeing others...

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
How old were you when you started to tattoo? Who was the first person you tattooed? And what was the tattoo? I was 17 years old; I tattooed my homeboy's clique on his arm after that I tattooed everyone in his clique. Do you paint with other media? Yes. I airbrush on t-shirts at the shop and at some of the best fairs the Northwest has to offer. I also do murals on cars and on walls for nightclubs...

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