Forbes: Bank of America's Chief Risk Officer

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 17 Oktober 2008 0 komentar
ForbesLife Amy Woods BrinkleyJulie Earle-Levine Forbes Magazine dated September 29, 2008 As chief risk officer at Bank of America, the largest retail bank in the U.S., Amy Woods Brinkley spearheaded its recent takeover of the stricken mortgage lender, Countrywide Financial, just as the U.S. economy was heading downward. She will have a key role in defining the types of loans the new subsidiary...

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Travel: Departures 'Way Down Under'

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 14 Oktober 2008 0 komentar
Departures, September 2008South Australia's Kangaroo Island - home to some of the continent's most intriguing wildlife - has long been popular with day-tripping and camping crowds. It never had any luxury accommodation until this spring, however, when James and Haylie Baillie, owners of the chic Capella Lodge on Oz's Lord Howe Island, opened their new property, Southern Ocean Lodge.Set between two...

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