Lifestyle: UK Vogue: New York versus London

Posted by Unknown Senin, 01 Oktober 2007 0 komentar
UK Vogue, GQ, Tatler, House & Garden Living, September 2007Julie Earle Levine reports Picture this. Five hundred of the wealthiest names in New York dancing en-masse in the lobby of a bank on Wall Street. Beyonce is singing on stage surrounded by lithe models, billionaires with bald spots reflecting whirling spotlights, mixed with A-list celebrities. Waiters dart through the crowd with magnums...

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Travel: T+L Australia: Architecture in Chicago

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
WHERE’S WALTER? CHICAGOBy Julie Earle-Levine IT MAY BE A RAINY WEEKDAY IN OAK PARK, a serene, perfectly coiffed suburb almost 18 kilometres west of downtown Chicago, but visitors are undaunted by the steamy showers and grey skies. Toting umbrellas and wearing backpacks, their iPod audio tours are at the ready as they crisscross excitedly from one leafy residential street to the next, snapping...

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