Weekend FT: Lifestyle Models sell real estate in New York

Posted by Unknown Senin, 20 November 2006 0 komentar
Beauty is in the eye of the freeholderBy Julie Earle-LevinePublished:November 20 2006At first glance, Paolo Zampolli's premises in downtown Manhattan looks like those of any other luxury real estate broker. Listings for multi-million-dollar condominiums are displayed on Paramount Realty's floor-to-ceiling windows. The usual glossy magazines, comfortable leather sofas and Italian espresso maker are...

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Weekend FT: Antigua

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 19 November 2006 0 komentar
Balancing newcomers and nativesBy Julie Earle-Levine Published: November 18 2006The view from the aircraft as it lands in Antigua is mostly green and lush. On the ground, alongside a dirt road, there are mango trees dripping with fruit and hand-painted signs advertising pigs and ducks for sale. Locals sit out in front of small shacks selling roast birds and Wadadli, the island beer, or beside stalls...

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